
Fiction – Speculative, Satire

Fiction – Literary, Historical

  • He Opens One More Door First Place Winner in Flash Fiction Magazine contest
  • Balancing Elizabeth in   Fictive Dream
  • A Part of Charlotte originally in Sundial Magazine. This story was nominated for a Pushcart Award and also appears in Sundial Magazine’s anthology “Dim and Flaring Lamps: A Historical Fiction Anthology.” 
  • Resurrected in Meow Meow Pow Pow
  • #Dating #AfterForty in 101 Words
  • Cleaning Up in Dirty Girls Magazine
  • Outside the Lines in On Loss an anthology pg. 70
  • Lifetime Guarantee in The Dark Sire Magazine, Spring 2020
  • Happy Hour in 72 Hours of Insanity: Anthology of the Games, vol. 8

The Kitchen Junk Drawer or My Writers Messy Desk

The depository for all things with no place to go

Interview “A Feather’s Weight”

Issue 048 Author Interview: Andrea Goyan and “A Feather’s Weight” – Luna Station Quarterly

REVIEW: “A Feather’s Weight” by Andrea Goyan – SFF Reviews

Interview “A Worship”

Issue 043 Author Interview: Andrea Goyan and “A Worship” – Luna Station Quarterly

REVIEW: “A Worship” by Andrea Goyan – SFF Reviews